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UFI and IAEE Sign MoU to Boost Exhibition Industry Collaboration - News

UFI and IAEE Sign MoU to Boost Exhibition Industry Collaboration

UFI and IAEE Sign MoU to Boost Exhibition Industry Collaboration

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was recently signed  between UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, and the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE). This agreement aims to re-establish regular exchanges between the associations to benefit their members and promote the exhibition industry. Both organizations emphasize the importance of collaborating on initiatives, sharing information, and supporting industry developments. 

Marie Browne, Chairperson, IAEE andGroup Vice President, RX Americas, expressed delight in enhancing international partnerships through this MoU with UFI. Additionally, Geoff Dickinson, President, UFI and CEO, dmg events, highlighted the company’s longstanding dedication to collaboration by noting that it has been a core value since its founding. 

The partnership initially focused on advocacy, including support for the Legislative Action Day organized by the Exhibitions and Conferences Alliance (ECA) on May 30, 2024, in Washington, District of Columbia. Furthermore, IAEE will also contribute to Global Exhibitions Day on June 5, 2024. Other areas of collaboration include the China Expo Forum for International Cooperation (CEFCO) 2024 and discussions on research-related issues.