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Sanofi’s €400M Plan to Make Hyderabad the AI Powerhouse of Biopharma - News

Sanofi’s €400M Plan to Make Hyderabad the AI Powerhouse of Biopharma

Sanofi’s €400M Plan to Make Hyderabad the AI Powerhouse of Biopharma

Sanofi Healthcare India Pvt Ltd revealed plans to expand its Global Capacity Centre (GCC) in Hyderabad with a €400 million investment over the next six years. It was announced that out of this, €100 million will be invested within the next year. The expansion aims to increase the GCC’s workforce from 1,000 to around 2,600 employees. This, in turn, makes it the largest of the company’s four global hubs.

Madeleine Roach, Executive Vice President, Business Operations, Sanofi, stated that the investment reflects the company’s long-term strategy to deepen its presence in India. She mentioned that the funds will be directed towards acquiring talent, developing new capabilities, and enhancing facilities. Sharing a similar sentiment, Emmanuel Frenehard, Executive Vice President, Chief Digital Officer, Sanofi, also noted the company’s ambition to be a leader in AI-powered biopharma. 

To conclude, the Hyderabad hub will focus on integrating AI to speed up drug development and improve productivity. As of today, half of the staff hold advanced degrees, with a significant portion being fresh graduates and tech professionals.