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India’s Toy Story: Exports Soar, Imports Drop - News

India’s Toy Story: Exports Soar, Imports Drop

India’s Toy Story: Exports Soar, Imports Drop

India’s toy industry has undergone a remarkable transformation, shifting from being import-dependent to an emerging manufacturing powerhouse. Over the past decade, the sector has seen a significant drop in imports and a surge in exports, making India a strong competitor in the global toy market.

Government-mandated quality control measures have ensured that all toys, whether domestically produced or imported, meet strict safety standards, boosting consumer confidence. Meanwhile, increased investment has doubled production units, leading to a 10 percent annual growth rate in sales value. The ‘Vocal for Local’ initiative has further encouraged domestic manufacturing, driving bulk orders and fostering small-scale production.

To stand out in the global market, Indian manufacturers have incorporated cultural elements into their designs, appealing to both local and international buyers. With the industry valued at US$ 1.7 billion and expected to reach US$ 4 billion by 2032, India is well on its way to becoming a major global toy supplier.

However, challenges remain. Competition from established economies like China and Vietnam, supply chain dependencies, and the need for greater investment in technology and innovation must be addressed. By overcoming these hurdles, India is expected to cement its position as a leading global player in toy manufacturing.