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India’s Solo Travel Fever Surpasses Global Margins - News

India’s Solo Travel Fever Surpasses Global Margins

India’s Solo Travel Fever Surpasses Global Margins

According to the American Express 2024 Global Travel Trends Report, Indian travelers are leading the way in solo and spontaneous travel experiences, surpassing global averages by a considerable margin. 

An impressive 84 percent of Indian travelers are ready to embark on solo adventures this year, which is 18 percent higher than the global average of 66 percent. This trend shows that Indian globetrotters have a growing desire for spontaneous and independent travel.

The report was based on a survey across seven countries, including US, India, Japan, UK, Australia, Canada, and Mexico. Self-discovery ranks high, with 46 percent citing it as their primary motivation, followed by 39 percent looking for a break from their daily routines, and 34 percent simply striving for a sense of independence. 

Moreover, Indian travelers are embracing spontaneity with enthusiasm, as evidenced by a staggering 58 percent expressing interest in impromptu getaways. The allure of exploring without pressure, flexibility in visiting multiple destinations, and experiencing new cultures are key drivers behind their spur-of-the-moment trips.