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India’s Construction Industry Aims for Global Top Spot by 2025 - News

India’s Construction Industry Aims for Global Top Spot by 2025

India’s Construction Industry Aims for Global Top Spot by 2025

India’s construction industry is set to claim the global spotlight as the third-largest by 2025, said Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. Addressing the National Workshop on Recent Development with Recycling and Use of Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste, he emphasized the industry’s pivotal role as the country’s second-largest employer with linkages across 250 sectors. 

With urbanization demands projecting a need for 700-900 million sq mt of space annually by 2030, infrastructure emerges as a critical component in India's development ambitions. The workshop, organized by Central Public Works Department (CPWD) in collaboration with SINTEF Norway—Europe’s largest independent research organizations, focused on promoting C&D waste recycling items in construction. 

Notable attendees included May-Elin Stener, Norwegian Ambassador to India, and Manoj Joshi, Secretary of Housing and Urban Affairs. Puri highlighted C&D waste challenges, estimating 150-500 million tones generated annually in India, and underscored the imperative for efficient C&D waste management amid rising construction activity, urging stakeholders to devise effective utilization strategies.