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Indian Drone Industry Soars: IdeaForge Makes Mark in US Market - News

Indian Drone Industry Soars: IdeaForge Makes Mark in US Market

Indian Drone Industry Soars: IdeaForge Makes Mark in US Market

Indian drone manufacturer IdeaForge, ranked fifth globally, enters the US market amid China’s drone reluctance. Ankit Mehta, CEO, IdeaForge, highlights the industry’s growth, particularly post-COVID-19, and credits the Indian Government’s support for fostering an enabling environment over the last decade, leading to increased drone adoption.

Regulations have become more flexible since the pandemic, allowing for broader drone use, Mehta notes. India’s diverse terrain and extreme weather conditions have shaped uniquely robust drone technology, ideal for various applications from traffic management to counter-terrorism.

As IdeaForge showcases its products in the US, Mehta emphasizes the company’s focus on autonomy and real-world performance. He highlights the Netra V 4 Pro drone, offering exceptional flying time and payload capacity.