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Cracking the Chicken-Egg Puzzle - Feature

Cracking the Chicken-Egg Puzzle

Cracking the Chicken-Egg Puzzle

Organized by the Indian Poultry Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA), Poultry India, an international exhibition for the poultry industry, just concluded its 15th edition at HITEX Exhibition Centre, Hyderabad, from November 22–24, 2023. The show convened the most innovative companies across the globe from the poultry sector to showcase their latest advancements and offered a platform that facilitated networking, knowledge exchange, and exploring business opportunities.

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Poultry India Expo 2023 turned out to be a haven for poultry enthusiasts, industry experts, and stakeholders from across the globe. Showcasing the latest innovations, technologies, and trends in the Poultry sector, the show was a comprehensive platform for raising awareness on various aspects of the poultry industry, including poultry feeds, poultry equipment, technology, chicken breeders, egg farming, poultry nutrition, animal health, and international poultry production.
Features of the Show
The event drew 30,000 business visitors in a sprawling area of over 32,500 sq mt making
for six exhibition rooms. It hosted a record 380 Indian firms and 45 foreign enterprises.
Knowledge Day, a significant highlight of the event, saw eminent speakers address crucial aspects affecting the Poultry industry. The speakers included Chief Guest of Poultry India 2023 Alka Upadhyaya, Secretary (AHD) - Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairy, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
(MoFAHD); renowned Indian scientist Mylswamy Annadurai, also known as the Moon Man of India; and Guest of Honour Dr OP Chaudhary, Joint Secretary (NLM/ PC), Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (DAHD), MoFAHD.
With over 1,500 delegates from India, Africa, Europe, the USA, and SAARC nations, Knowledge Day became a global forum for the exchange of ideas and insights. The focus on scientific innovations in breeding, hygiene, nutrition, animal health, poultry equipment, and marketing underscores the event’s commitment to advancing knowledge and innovation within the industry.
Uday Singh Bayas, President, IPEMA, noted, “I am happy our Government is determined to safeguard our sector so that we continue to produce world-class poultry meat and eggs. Today, India’s Poultry industry, with its low-cost model and increased productivity, is a showcase of success across the world. It is one of the key contributors to India’s Agriculture and Animal Husbandry GDP. It contributes significantly to the eradication of protein deficiency and malnutrition, employs millions, especially women from rural India, and has spawned dozens of small and medium entrepreneurs, producing downstream products and services for the industry.”

Role of HITEX in the Scheme of Things
Singh acknowledged the instrumental role played by the facilities and collaborative spirit at  HITEX in motivating the decision to host the event at the venue. 

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Singh acknowledged the instrumental role played by the facilities and collaborative spirit at  HITEX in motivating the decision to host the event at the venue.
The decision to organize Poultry India Expo 2023 at HITEX was not only influenced by the excellent facilities provided by the venue but also by the proactive and positive response from the HITEX team.

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“It is the second largest poultry show in South Asia and would not be possible without the cooperation of HITEX.  We have continued to do our program with HITEX for a few years, and the infrastructure that HITEX has today is really astonishing. They are also constructing Hall 4, which will be equally state-of-the-art as others. The team is highly professional, and it has always been positive working with them,” he added.

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IPEMA’s Vision for Poultry India Expo
According to Singh, the show serves as a pivotal platform for farmers from all corners of India to gather and gain invaluable insights into poultry farming practices. It is an opportunity for farmers to understand various products, learn efficient chicken-raising techniques within limited resources, and strike beneficial deals.

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The exhibition has been acting as a hub for farmers to acquaint themselves with cutting-edge technologies. They get the chance to witness and evaluate world-class equipment firsthand in Hyderabad, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the best practices and innovations in poultry farming. This exposure to top-tier technology and product quality is crucial in empowering farmers to make informed decisions about the tools and methods they incorporate into their operations.

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The overarching goal, as articulated by Singh, is to position Poultry India as a knowledge opener for the poultry farming community. In doing so, the event becomes a catalyst for elevating the industry's standards. Singh, while representing IPEMA, expressed a commitment to ensuring that farmers are well-informed and equipped to make choices that contribute to the sector's growth.
Singh stressed, “IPEMA ensures that farmers understand what they require. The farmer can grasp what he is going to acquire from us and be aware of the product and its quality because we are showcasing cutting-edge technology here with minimal financial outlay. We are the second-largest producer of chicken, and we strive to be number one. We hope to make an impact in terms of technology, best affordable prices, and a one-stop solution for everything.”