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Celebrating Opulence & Elegance

Celebrating Opulence & Elegance

Hyderabad International Jewellery Show (HIJS 2023), a B2B jewelry trading and sourcing platform, hosted its grand inaugural edition from May 19-21 at the HITEX Exhibition Centre in Hyderabad. The show attracted a constant flow of customers, attracting serious buyers intent on acquiring and creating long-term contacts.

HIJS 2023 attracted 300 exhibitors in 1,000 booths spread over 1,50,000 sq ft of exhibition space, gathering leaders and key stakeholders from the South Indian gems and jewelry industry. “As an exclusive platform for studded jewelry, HIJS has witnessed a significant influx of visitors from around the world, including the Middle East, UK, and USA, who come to explore and source exceptional studded jewelry designs,” said V K Manoj, Project Director, United Exhibitions.

Regarding the inception of the show, he elaborated, “HIJS holds great significance for our expansion plans in 2023-24. While we initially had to postpone these plans due to other major projects, this year we were able to bring them to fruition with the support of HITEX and the availability of favorable dates.” HIJS aims to serve not only Hyderabad and the Telugu States but also the entire South India, attracting individuals seeking exclusive collections of studded and close-setting diamond and gemstone-studded jewelry.

Catalysts for Industry Growth
The organizers left no stone unturned to make sure that the right audience came to the show. “We are delighted by the fantastic response we received for pre-registrations, which were conducted with strict scrutiny and verification processes, ensuring privacy and maintaining the B2B nature of the event,” explained Manoj. “To ensure the success of the show, we collaborated closely with associations and federations in the jewelry industry. These alliances serve as anchor points in each 
state, allowing us to understand local needs, assess demands, and analyze the supply and demand dynamics in different regions.”
Jewelry fraternity from across India supported and participated in HIJS. Twin Cities Jewellers Association, The AP Bullion Gold Silver & Diamonds Merchants Association, Telangana Bullion Gems and Jewellers Federation, The Karnataka Jewellers Federation, and Tamilnadu Jewellers Federation are just a few examples. “We extend our gratitude to industry patrons, associations, and federations for their invaluable support in disseminating information about HIJS to the grassroots level through their member associations,” he expressed. The trade media in the jewelry industry also played a crucial role in raising awareness and generating visibility across India. He further added, “It is encouraging to witness jewelers from Maharashtra, Kolkata, and other regions attending the show, as it indicates the growing exposure and benefits for both retailers and manufacturers.”

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Exclusive Pavilions and Special Sections
There were special sections in the show for each of the following: Hall of Fame Jewellery Pavilion, Exclusive Couture Pavilion, Lab Grown Diamonds Pavilion, Silver Pavilion, and Machinery and Allied Products Pavilion. Manoj responded, “We also conducted awareness events, as jewelry exhibitions are not solely about securing a suitable venue and dates. Jewelry is a commodity that thrives on aligning with the right occasions, such as weddings, birthdays, and festive seasons like Diwali and Akshay Tritiya.”
A panel discussion on the ‘Role of Associations in the Growth of the Jewellery Sector’ was also organized at the event. The evening fiesta, the Kohinoor Jewellery Awards, was the cynosure of day one, honoring the mainstays and renowned brands of the Indian jewelry industry. The All India Gem and Jewellery Domestic Council (GJC) organized its inaugural regional conference in connection with HIJS 2023 on the second day, which was attended by almost 500 key representatives of the trade from around South India.

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A Perfect Timing
The timing of exhibitions must be carefully considered, considering the auspiciousness of jewelry purchases in each state. “For example, Akshay Tritiya is a significant occasion for gold purchases in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, while Diwali and Onam hold importance in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, respectively,” Manoj explained. “We meticulously research the cultural significance of jewelry in each region to determine dates that align with favorable market conditions and avoid clashes with concurrent shows. The chosen dates for Hyderabad were based on extensive analysis, considering that the first quarter of 2023 already had a significant number of jewelry exhibitions, which could impact the visibility of our show and the quality of exhibitors.”

 Hyderabad: Thriving Jewelry Market
Both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana hold immense potential as jewelry markets due to their strong consumer bases, financial capacity, and cultural significance attached to gold. “We maintain an optimistic outlook for our expansion in this region and remain committed to an aggressive approach,” asserted Manoj. 
Hyderabad has seen tremendous expansion as a result of growing industrialization, urbanization, and the Telangana Government’s designation of jewelry as one of 14 thrust industries under the industrial policy. A strategic location offering a myriad of advantages, he added, “We are grateful for the support of HITEX and look forward to securing additional halls in the future for the show, further amplifying its impact.”                                      

“As an exclusive platform for studded jewelry, HIJS has witnessed a significant influx of visitors from around the world, including the Middle East, UK, and USA, who come to explore and source exceptional studded jewelry designs.” 

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V K Manoj
Project Director
United Exhibitions
HIJS 2023 attracted 300 exhibitors in 1,000 booths spread over 1,50,000 sq ft of exhibition space, gathering leaders and key stakeholders from the South Indian gems and jewelry industry.